Govt.Secondary School GTC Pasighat E/Siang A.P.ESTD-1963
CBSE Affiliation No: 2220357,UDISE:12080102602

Rules and guidelines in schools are essential for creating a safe, supportive, and productive learning environment. Here are some common rules and guidelines typically found in schools:

  1. Behavioral Expectations:

    • Respect for teachers, staff, and fellow students.
    • No bullying, harassment, or discrimination.
    • Use of appropriate language and behavior.
  2. Attendance and Punctuality:

    • Attendance requirements for classes and school activities.
    • Punctuality for classes, assemblies, and other school events.
  3. Academic Integrity:

    • Prohibition of cheating, plagiarism, and dishonesty in schoolwork and exams.
    • Proper citation and respect for intellectual property.
  4. Uniform and Dress Code:

    • Requirements for school uniforms or guidelines on appropriate attire.
    • Restrictions on clothing that may be distracting or inappropriate.
  5. Safety and Security:

    • Procedures for emergencies such as fire drills and lockdowns.
    • Rules regarding the use of school facilities and equipment to ensure safety.
  6. Health and Wellness:

    • Guidelines on nutrition and healthy eating habits.
    • Policies on medication administration and health-related accommodations.
  7. Technology Use:

    • Acceptable use policies for school computers, internet access, and personal devices.
    • Rules regarding cyberbullying, online privacy, and responsible digital citizenship.
  8. Extracurricular Activities:

    • Requirements for participation in sports, clubs, and other extracurricular programs.
    • Guidelines for behavior during field trips, competitions, and other off-campus activities.
  9. Respect for Property:

    • Expectations for caring for school property and resources.
    • Consequences for vandalism or damage to school facilities.
  10. Parental Involvement:

    • Guidelines for parent-teacher communication and involvement in school activities.
    • Expectations for parental support of school rules and guidelines.